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Pets@ Rose Cottage

Patch & Zoey
Click for more images Zoey came into our lives via the cat door in 1987 and refused to leave again! On Australia day 1988, she left us a little gift in the form of two kittens, one of them, Patch, is still with us. The other, Jules was adopted by a friend.
Unfortunatly Zoe past away after a very quick illness on 30 September 2002.
Click for more images Born December '83
Still going strong - although she had skin cancer on her nose which was cut out by the vet.

RIP - Cats loved and lost.

Natasha 1990 - 2001
Click for more images

Blue Persian,
Road victim.

Bellamy 1983 - 1998
  Lilac Point Siamese. Male,
Died of a long illness having a lump in his throat (Belle Amie meaning Beautiful Friend).
Kerry 1982 - 1983
  Chocolate Point Siamese. Female,
Possibly died from poisoning??
Snuffies 1969 - 1983
  Left behind in the UK with my friend Vivien, in 1981.
Picture unavailable Steyning, Sussex UK adopted us when we moved to Steyning in 1965 until we left in 1969. A neighbour then looked after her.
Click for more images Joined the family in 1960 and my sister named 'him' Marty after Marty Wilde. We realised that 'he' was a 'she' when she presented us with kittens and continued to do so for the rest of her life!
Click for more images Was our black and white cat when we lived in Skipton Yorkshire. We lost her en route to our new home at Shoreham-by -Sea, Sussex and hope she made her way home.

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