Renovations@ Rose Cottage
When we first moved in, the kitchen cupboards were painted green and cream. There was old linoleum on the floor, and an old electric stove which didn't work too well! The whole kitchen needed repainting and brightening up. Of course the first thing to replace was the cooker. The cupboards were stripped of paint and revarnished for a wood finish. Benchtops were relaminated in a warm red, and matching red tiles...Remember this WAS 1982! Prior to our moving in, the wall between the lounge and kitchen had been removed, giving an L shape effect. In order to close off this section, without losing the feeling of space, we replaced the wall with glass blocks, which also made quite a nice feature. A skylight was added too which made a great difference.
- These photos. were taken prior to the complete renovation of the kitchen, in 1994...
- ...We removed the cupboards and sink, took up the floor covering and moved the door to the other end, to make the kitchen more workable.
- Throughout the house, we had the floorboards sanded back and coated with polyurethane and this included the kitchen floor. New cupboards were built (professionally), new sink, fridge, microwave oven and dishwasher brought the kitchen up-to-date.
- The next task was to...
- ...'open up' the kitchen into the extension (family room).
- Both windows were taken out...
- ...along with most of the wall.
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