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Renovations@ Rose Cottage

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1.Back Patio 2.Back Patio 3.New Slab 4.Bedroom Framework 5.Old Patio
  1. There existed a large patio at the back of the house, which had to be demolished...
  2. ...Concrete roof tiles taken down and the concrete slab was smashed and removed.
  3. The new concrete slab was laid, incorporating what would become the study, family room and master bedroom.
  4. Framework for the master bedroom.
  5. Existing roof frame of old...
  6. ...patio to be removed.
  7. With the patio completely removed this view shows how the back of the house looked - from the left, the back door leading into the laundry, the two kitchen windows and the French doors to the lounge.
  8. Continuation view from French doors to door to sleepout, which is being converted into the en-suite bathroom for the master bedroom
  9. Roof framework up, in family room. Looking towards en suite and master bedroom. I think I look very studious here!!!
  10. Zincalume roof over extension.
  11. Master bedroom from inside...
  12. ...looking out over the garden
  13. outside the master bedroom.
  14. outside the master bedroom.
  15. outside the master bedroom.
  16. The 8mtr. gluelaminated beam supporting roof framework, family room, Entire section will be full windows with french doors either side.
  17. Family room enclosed.
  18. Outside the family room (section jutting out)...
  19. ...The grapevine overhangs the courtyard outside the new backdoor, now leading to what will be the study
  20. Windows in
  21. French doors in.
  22. Family room, putting up the ceiling
  23. Family room, putting up the ceiling
  24. Family room, putting up the ceiling
  25. 1995 before the 'Urban Stone' is laid, looking from the pool towards the house
  26. After the 'Urban Stone' is laid, looking from the house towards the pool
  27. 1996 Goldfish pond and 'Urban Stone' laid
  28. View from the pool, looking towards the house. (1996)
6.Old Patio 7.Patio Removed
8.French Doors... 9.Family Room Roof Frame
10.New Roof 11.Master Bedroom to Garden
12.Master Bedroom to Garden 13.Outside Master Bedroom
14.Outside Master Bedroom 15.Outside Master Bedroom
16.Roofbeam 17.Family Room Enclosed
18.Outside the Family Room 19.Outside the Family Room
20.Windows In 21.French Doors In
22.Family room, putting up the ceiling 23.Family room, putting up the ceiling
24.Family room, putting up the ceiling 25.Before Urbanstone
26.After Urbanstone 27.Goldfish Pond

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